Quad-Cure® LC Epoxy Resin is a styrene-free product formulated to provide extended pot life and working time in the field to assure quality installation of CIPP liners.
Quad-Cure® LC Epoxy Resin is a styrene-free product formulated to provide extended pot life and working time in the field to assure quality installation of CIPP liners.
Quad-Cure® LC is a styrene-free product formulated to provide extended pot life and working time in the field to assure quality installation of CIPP liners. Quadex® Latent Cure technology allows for a longer working time without sacrificing fast cure times. Quad-Cure LC has been formulated with different pot life’s to best meet the demands of difficult lining projects. It can also be refrigerated at 5°C/ 41°F transported to the jobsite for large diameter CIPP applications.
Pour Part B in to Part A at the ratio indicated on the chart. Use a drill with a mixing blade, for a minimum of 3 minutes. Mixture must be consistent in color to assure a full mix. Store at 21°C/70°F for 24 hours before impregnating liner.